Wednesday, November 7, 2007

The Family Jewels
Read The Family Jewels summary…pick one of the “skeletons” from the report and write a one paragraph reflection
10, 11, and 12 are particularly interesting

The Family Jewels is a CIA Document that uncovers many CIA covert operations that were classified. Many of the "skeletons" listed in the article make the CIA seem sneaky and suspicious. If the public found out the CIA was continuing to do these types of actions today it would not be happy. The 10th skeleton explained how the CIA experimented with interrogating prisoners using drugs, 11th dealt with the assassinations of world leaders, and 12th was about groups being monitored. Many of the other skeletons were about wire tapping or reading through mail. These actions violate citizen rights and is unconstitutional. It is surprising that the public does not demand more current information about the CIA activities more recent "skeletons." I believe that the CIA should keep doing their job to get information to keep the homeland safe, as long as they are not caught breaking law. It is important that the CIA has made their mistakes public, knowing that the past cannot change. They should continue to release old classified information to distract the public from the new skeletons of today to be able to continue their work.

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